MDRF 2024 seasoon is over. We'll be back starting Saturday, August 23, 2025, and will be there thoruhg the final day (Sunday October 19, 2025)
This site is not an official part of MDRF - I am just a rose seller who pedals my wares there. Please see the official MDRF site for dates and prices and other things relating to Revel Grove.
If you're at MDRF and require roses, please feel free to flag me down
The best way to arrange purchase/deliveries is direct in person. However, faire is a big, noisy, crowded place... so here's the electronic means of contactinbg me.
Please do not send payment before asked to do so / per direct arrangement - I'm putting this info here for ease of looking it up, but please don't just send money without talking to me first so we can work out the details
The best way to request a delivery is to talk to me in person, or to use Facebook Messenger (see other contact info if needed) so we can talk directly.
I've put together a somewhat pedantic list of things I need to know in order to successfully handle your special requests
Some folks may have noticed their fair pass picture was "squished" - this is because the office needs a square picture.